case against 17 indicted Albanians from Serbia started on September
23rd, 2009 before the Trial Chamber of the District Court in Belgrade
presided by the Judge Snežana Nikolić Garotić. The indictment of August
11th, 2009 filed by the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor charged the
accused with the following: during the period from June to December
1999, as members of the KLA, after one of their units was stationed on
the territory of the operational zone so called Karakak [territory of
the municipalities Gnjilane/Gjilan, Vitina/Viti, Kosovska
Kamenica/Kamenicë and Novo Brdo/Novobërdë,
Kosovo] in early June 1999, with the unit’s command post
located at the building of the Yugoslav People’s Army Centre
in Gnjilane/Gnjilan and the rest of the unit’s members, about
100 soldiers, stationed in the building of the high school dormitory,
they consciously and willingly ordered and committed acts of unlawful
detentions, inhumane treatment, torture, rape, killings against Serb
and other non-Albanian civilians and some Albanian civilians, and
caused physical injuries, inflicted great suffering, and looted
property. At least 34 persons are still regarded as missing while at
least 153 were unlawfully detained, tortured and then released. In
doing this, the accused committed the criminal offence
of a war crime
against a civilian population from Article 142, Paragraph 1, of the
Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in relation to
Article 22, acting in complicity.
Trial report’s